Tuesday, October 13, 2009

#2 like a sope ophera

Posted by -H-

I feel like i am living in a sope ophera.
I have this friend E who wants to throw her birthay party in R-s oncles house, but she cant because the oncle wont allow it. so no E is mad on R and R is mad at E. I mean god could you just grow up. It is not R's fault that her oncle wont allow them do a party. E should just find a different place and well get over it.
Anyways the reason this all affects me ( besides that they are my friends) is that we had a plan to go to a club/ concert thsi weekend and now R does not want E to come so that mean if i want to go i have to go with R and her boyfriend and with K and her boyfriend. Two couples and than me. I dont think that wold be fun for me but i really need some partying....
what do you think girls? should i go?

Also E and R had a fight a few week ago when E told R that she is diching her freinds for a boy. I mean they a both so anoying.

Anyways in good new i Water fasted yestarday Wohooooo....
and today i have consumed 460kcal.


Ana's Girl said...

Wow that does sound complicated... I say go, you're bound to meet some people while you're partying. And cheer up, you may not be able to control your friends' actions, but you're totally in control of your food situation. Keep it up, girl!