Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Posted by -H-

So about the concert thing i decided not to go with the two couples but i am still going. actually we will be going to another town to see the same concert on Saturday with E.
another plus to that is that my friend M might come also. I have mentioned m in my previous post. hes is such a nice guy i love to talk to him. we send text all the time. He is not my bf but well i would not mind if he was.

Food intake-750
Personal accomplishment-i ate only half of my desert at school. i always eat all my desert at school so that is a big deal to me. if i would have know how much cals it had i would have not even the half.


dietlexy said...

Hey tnx for ur comment 2day! I didnt get to do my run bc I ate tofu and seriosuly feel so dodge after it!
still went for a walk tho! power walk!
your about me section completely describes me! every1 tinks Im so happy and breezy and just mellow! wen in fact Im an uptight perfectionist!
I h8 my life! x

Ana's Girl said...

Small steps, like only half the dessert. Those are what will get you to where you really truly want to be. Stay strong!