Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Posted by -H-

So my friends visit went great. i have known her for not very long but i feel that i can speak to her very openly and i can trust her quite a lot. of course there are some subjects that i dont talk to her like my eating obsessions and well there are other stuf what i dont mention her. but i can say that she is really important to me. we stayd up very late last night and talked until 3am.

i didn,t eat nothing but dinner last night but it was a big inner but fortunately we went for a 2 hour walk after that so that, s great.
it is a lot sunnyer today so i am loveing that. i need to go buy some running shoes for myself. mybe i will go right after i finish this post.

totay when i was riding with the bus i saw a 5 year old kid who was FAT (and when i say fat i mean truly fat). beside her was her grandmother who was fat and then a few stops after that came the mother who was the fattest and that really discusted me.
it made me think what that child will feel if she gets older will she accept that she is fat will she start exercising and enting helthyly to loose weight or will she have an ED...

i really admire those people who are normal weight and have acceptid it and are ok with it. i am not that strong. i want to be SKINNY; SLIM; THIN not and average healty weight (is that so bad?)
i want to be beautiful, hot, sexy and all that.


Jess said...

I'm the opposite actually I'm disgusted by ppl who have accepted their fatness b/c they are just leading such an inactive and unhealthy life. I think they are a much bigger strain on health care systems around the world then ppl w/ EDs.